ReCapture the Flag
Thu May 12, 5 – 9pm, at Passable, 1005 E Union Street, see map at https://CapitolHillArtWalk.com/
This art show curated by Stacia Beer examined what are ways we can reclaim the flag as a symbol, or even understand what it signifies to us as individuals. Featuring the work of Stacia Beer, Shelly Farnham, Carey Christie, Jeff Larson and Daniel Pickford.
Stacia challenged a few artist friends to create new work celebrating our U.S. flag as a brand, an icon, and/or a positive symbol, confronting the complexity of exploring patriotism in a way that does not reenforce the racist, sexist, homophobic underpinnings of our culture.
For instance: many of those leading and supporting the Jan 6 insurrection captured our flag as a symbol of something that does not resonate with many of us, something that we believe runs counter to most of what is valid and beautiful about America. Stacia was upset and curious. Why should we let those guys have our flag? What are ways to reclaim it or even understand what it signifies to us as individuals?
Photos from the show: