Mad Scientist
The mad scientist has become an iconic trope in modern media, denoting an eccentric genius, unbounded by societal conventions or concerns for safety in the throes of their experiments. While early depictions portrayed mad scientists as evil geniuses, cackling over concoctions, more recent trends laud the mad scientist as genius innovators pushing the bounds of what is possible through their advanced knowledge and skills. This art show highlighted the thin lines between cutting innovation and hapless harm; playful creativity and madness; scientific curiosity and dangerous ambition…while also reminding us we all have a little bit of a mad scientist in us!
For this show Totally Legit artists and friends worked collaboratively to create the experience of walking through a laboratory of the mad scientist – bubbling beakers, jars of misshapen heads, and all – including the ultimate selfie-station where people may don a lab coat and cackle maniacally in front of a table of intriguing experiments.
Opening Party March 9, 2023, 5-9pm, during the Capitol Hill 2nd Thursday Art Walk
Photos from the show: